Saturday 18 July 2020

Hey Woman Bear It All

How many of you have heard the above song? Every time I hear it, tears well up in my eyes, very few songs have depicted the plight of women so explicitly. Through centuries, woman has borne the brunt of inhuman debasement. Today she has carved out a niche for herself after a very long and excruciating battle. She not only is excelling at academics but also in every field she is stepping into. In all walks of life, she is proving her mettle but if we seek an honest reply from her male counterparts about their acknowledgement of her achievements, a completely different story enfolds before us.
I would like to make it clear that I do not favour the so called FEMINAZI. I think they are actually, harming the real challenges that women are trying to surmount. Women have, by the sheer dent of their hard work and persistence, overcome all odds and are scaling new heights every day. What I find affronting , is the male attitude of generalizing women, even after she has proved herself again and again. (Of course, I am equally uncomfortable generalizing men too.) Wherever she has found a foothold, she has conquered, she has beaten men too. Why then do we still find crude jokes on women, referring to her intelligence as far below her male counterparts, portraying her as a shrew still doing the circles? I will  showcase a few such wisecracks:
Such inane jokes are circulated on a daily basis but no one ever tries to question these. Why do women have to put up with such degradation? What have they done to deserve such ridicule?
Women are very emotional by nature and this makes them very vulnerable. Thanks to the changing norms of the modern world a new breed of cockroaches have emerged in our midst, what am I referring to? Well it is not what but who am I referring to. I am referring to a very large number of roadside ROMEOS who can be found hanging around the houses of girls. These loafers come in all ages and their only aim in life is to beguile girls into accepting them as their sweethearts. They choose the girls who are vulnerable and once assured of their affection, they take disadvantage of the girl’s feelings. Many such girls are exploited, made to go into prostitution, change their religion, join terrorists and some are dumped after they have been sexually exploited. Even lonely, hapless middle-aged women also fall into these traps.

Google has n number of such cases, where n is very huge, people read these gory tales but society does not try to do away with this malaise.
Things have come to such pass that women are viewed as objects of pleasure, no one bothers about the destruction one leaves behind. So many lives have been sacrificed at the altar of lust and male ego. Voices are raised but the public memory is too short and who actually has time for silly women.
Another sad and disgusting stigma a woman has to live with is the general tendency of people that she has no credit to her success. A successful woman has to put up with a lot of aspersions about her character. The moment a woman makes a mark in her chosen field, tongues start wagging and filth is spread about her. The tendency is that a woman cannot reach the pinnacle as she does not possess enough abilities. A lady I admire a lot is Smriti Irani, she has admirably handled the rogues but the fact cannot be denied that she has had to face public humiliation.

Watch the video, in some corridors the male ego is so bloated that they brazenly spew venom and think nothing of it. Will there ever be a change in this type of sick attitude? When will women be treated as equals by everyone? How long will she have to put up with being treated as inferior to men or their toys? There are many men who regard women are extremely courteous, look up to them and also worship the path woman walk on. However, these men constitute a miniscule number. Women are the worst enemy of their own kind, the day every mother, sister and wife teaches the men of her family to respect women this prevailing unfairness will come to an end. Let us begin now, stop taking women for granted, stop using them and don’t just spout platitudes about loving and caring about them, follow it up with actions. Be loyal to them and see how they blossom.
Women too need to be sterner, not get carried away by their emotions and they should never believe to the extent that they take leave of their gut feeling. Women stop being used, stand up for your dignity.

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