Saturday 20 June 2020


Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!
Socialism took the world by storm, it had every ingredient to become successful for the masses, who had long been exploited by the ruling class it was God sent. However little did anyone imagine that it too would, ruthlessly stamp out all opposition? Years after all the mayhem that had been undertaken in the name of changing the world order, for the downtrodden is being stripped of all its Halo. Men after men and country after country are disowning this philosophy and the ugly truth behind the curtain is being enfolded. I am not here to you talk to you about Socialism, it’s a vast topic and a lot has already been written about its pros and cons, I want to tell my readers about my own journey from LW to RW.
Why did I all of a sudden chose to write on such a bizarre topic, well just this Sunday while talking to a cousin of mine, I asked her a few pointed questions about what exactly has she done to enhance her knowledge of SANATAN DHARMA ? First she put up a counter asking me what was DHARMA and then called me a FANATIC, as I told her to read the scriptures, instead of making sweeping statements based on her Macaulay designed,  leftist propagated education system, she reminded me that I too belonged to the same background. That, really set me thinking and I decided to write about my journey and asking the readers to judge me.
I was educated in convent school and belonging to a Bengali family I was a home bred communist. I remember distinctly how Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Karl Marx, in short the complete motley crowd, was idolized at home.  Being convent educated I, of course looked down upon all the people who could not speak in English. I considered myself elite, though now I can’t stop wondering why I had thought so. I was so arrogant, back in those days that I would not even interact with people who did not share the same ideology. I don’t remember, ever been called a fanatic by anyone who opposed my upbringing or my ideals.
It was much later, during my sophomore year in college that I came face to face with my warped   ideologies. Many in the college were from Hindi Medium schools, but I did not find any of them deficient at anything, in fact they were much better than me at almost everything. The only thing, I found myself good at was speaking English fluently, which too, did not cut much ice with my college mates. On closer scrutiny I found out that they were kids no different from me, then why had I grown up with the idea that I was a class above them. This was the point from where I started analyzing my upbringing and also all the socialism ideologies I had been taught to believe in. Extensive study unfolded a new perception on the topic, frankly speaking I did not like what I was reading at all.
It was during this phase that I married and got the second shock of my life, I belonged to an English speaking Bengali family and my in-laws were from an orthodox but simple God fearing background. Here their faith in God was unwavering, they accepted their fate  believing it to be their KARMA, whereas I had grown up questioning the existence of God, calling out his deeds, making fun of the RAMAYANA and believing Sita had been a victim of male chauvinism. Silently, I observed my new family and my thoughts underwent a massive change. I learnt to respect rituals and their necessity, respect God and not try to act to smart. None of the females in my family were restricted from either wearing the clothes of their choice or living their life the way they wanted to.
I had been under the impression that staunch followers of Sanatan Dharma were bigots, chauvinists and extremely backward in their beliefs. This I found out to be the complete untruth, here again observation and analysis made me understand that a massive disinformation had been undertaken by the leftists to divide and confuse the masses of India. Among the questions which rose in my mind was, “Who stood to benefit by this type of misinformation?” This question remained unanswered till I joined Twitter and gradually joined the RW. The “Rath Yatra” undertaken by L.K.Advani and the fiery speeches of Atal Bihari Vajpayee had already begun my tentative journey towards the RW and BJP. Many facts opened up before me, how the press had been hand in glove with the powers which ruled the country for such a long time, and had twisted facts and incidents to demean Sanatan Dharma and  its followers, how a conversion mafia was working overtime to convert gullible downtrodden people. I will elaborate some other time on this topic. The long and short of my findings is that I now strongly believe in my religion, am trying to know about, reading a lot of books one by one, so that I do not remain ignorant.
I no longer buy the stories by the so called great journalists, some of whom have gone on record to own up to their wrong doings, which by the way is all in the public domain. After witnessing their falsehood first hand on Twitter and other social media sites and their utter shamelessness I have come to the conclusion that we have been misled for a very very long time. That was the exact reason why I had crossed my cousin in the first place, as I wanted her to also try and see both sides of the story and then come to her own conclusions, but all I got was the tag of being a FANATIC!!!
FRIENDS I now leave it up to you to deliver my judgement.


  1. Very succinct.. LW to RW journey is not something many are willing to make. This wil be helpful for them to start the journey

  2. Hope they see the light of the day quickly
